
Google Ads 2023 - Professional Course

The game-changer for your business and career. Professional course from Scratch to expert level. Designed as per Google Internal Training.

4.8 Star Rating

27 Submodule

7.2 Hours Course

Refund Policy

Get instant access just Rs. 399/-

10 Days refund policy, No questions asked

या कोर्समधून तुम्हाला नक्की काय शिकायला मिळेल ?

Course Curriculum

9 Chapters : 27 Subtopics

Introduction to ads

Setup Business funnel

Define objectives in detail

All about keywords

Conversion, extension, URL tracking

Complete bidding strategy

Location, Audience, language

Campaign Setup One, Two

Advance retargeting

My mission is to get in touch with aspiring marketers, Making it easy for businesses to learn and earn.

10 Days refund policy, No questions asked

हा कोर्स कोणासाठी आहे

You may be surprised that there is no age limit to learning Google ads.

Even if you are a student you can learn. No degree is needed.


Those studying related fields can benefit from these google ads courses.

Small Business Owners

learn how to create and manage their online presence, social media accounts, and digital advertising campaigns.


Individuals with a strong online presence can learn how to monetize their platforms

Career Switchers

Those looking to switch careers can learn the necessary skills through digital marketing courses.


Content creators, graphic designers, and web developers can expand their skill sets to offer services to their clients.


Entrepreneurs can learn how to effectively promote their products online.

हा कोर्स घेणाऱ्यांचा अनुभव

10 Days refund policy, No questions asked

What you will get Inside this course?

Study Material

11+ Study material will help you to get better tips and tricks.

E-books, PDF

These are offline material that can improve ads performance

Downloadable lectures

If you want to save all lectures, you can do it.

Bonuses worth 20,000 Rs

This is the best part of the course which includes everything.

24/7 Chat support

If you have any doubt then you can directly reach me out on my personal number.

Study material

20,000 Rs worth bonuses जे ह्या कोर्स सोबत मिळतील

Local Facebook Reviewer

Help your clients get and showcase their local FACEBOOK reviews!

GMB Optimizer CheatSheet

A one-stop guide that will hold your hand throughout the whole process of optimizing a GMB listing.

Fastest Google Cache

Easily double your Google page speed score with this ultimate caching plugin!

Stunning Transparent Image Suite

Get 500 premium transparent photos for your videos, ads, sites, and more!

Outsourcing Cheat Sheet for LOCAL

Learning how to outsource repetitive tasks is a skill that you absolutely need to master

Optimizing 10-Key factors for Voice Ranking

you want to tap into this MASSIVE Traffic Source, you need to focus on and Optimize these 10 Key factors

Becoming a Client-Closing Machine

Knowing how to acquire clients is not a talent, it’s an acquired skill. Use this resource to learn how to steer

BOOST Traffic w/ Local Search Marketing

Apply these 11 Internally-tested practices to obtain a healthy flow of LOCAL traffic to your own website

How to Close 5 NEW LOCAL Clients in 14 Days

Uncover our “Secret Audit” technique that will allow you to spot major local optimization issues with only a few minutes of effort.

Email Swipes to Close Clients for Facebook Ads Services

What you’ll see below is a collection of swipes arranged in a soap opera sequence.

Facebook Optimizing Factors

We have created a definitive list with factors that will definitely make a difference in how Facebook’s algorithm will rank a particular listing.

TOP 100 Local Niches For Local Marketers

find the best and most profitable prospects to promote their business online.

Local Business Schema

A one-stop guide that will hold your hand throughout the whole process of creating and optimizing a GMB listing.

Instructor Profile

Sopan Khekade is a Seasoned Digital Marketer and a YoutTube Ads Expert. With over 8 years of experience running Youtube ads across the globe for clients spread across industries like Ecommerce, Fashion, Hospitality, Cybersecurity, Insurance, Realestate. Sopan is also a Visiting Faculty for Digital Marketing at NMIMS, one of the prestigious B Schools in Mumbai.

After managing a whopping sum of over Rs. 100cr in ad spend and training over 500+ individuals, sopan is all set to conduct a super valuable workshop on YouTube Ads in collaboration with Skill Nation where he will condense his 8 years of experience in these 3hrs.


आता 2100 ₹ नाही तर फक्त 399 ₹

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